“Dainichi Nyorai”
豊梵天 “大日如来”



This is a masterpiece by Yutaka Bonten whose pale and smooth shading reminiscents of ink painting creates a subtle and profound atmosphere. On the other hand, the parts that must be solid are firmly and darkly inked, making a strong impression coexist. As it is still a work in progress, each motif has not yet opened eyes.



Dainichi Nyorai, who sits on the back, is originated from the sun and is the facts of the universe transformed into Buddhahood, also is the head of the Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. They occupy the center position in the mandala and are considered to be the true form of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Here, they are depicted as a figure in the Vajradhatu, wearing a crown and making the Chiken-in mudra.

Dragons are closely related to the serpent god Naga in India, the birthplace of Buddhism, and are believed to be the guardians of Buddhism.


On both thighs, you can see baku, an imaginary creature from China. It has been used as a lucky charm since the end of the Muromachi period (1336-1573) because of the tradition that it would eat away nightmares. It has been described in various documents, but its appearance is not consistent. In Japan, it is often depicted as generally resembling an elephant.

※DEMPATOO 豊梵天氏のインタビュー記事はこちら
※See Dempatoo Yutaka Bonten’s interview here

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