Antique Dealer




Using the word “unique” doesn’t even begin to describe the powerful first impression I got as I greeted him for the first time. Daikokudo Nero gives off the impression of being overwhelmed but also intelligent and calm at the same time. His image is that of an artist or performer, but in fact he keeps a regular job as an antique dealer and frequents antique markets and sells the treasures he discovers online.


Nero was 18 when he first had ink put into his skin. An acquaintance of his had recently acquired a tattoo machine and over a period of two days, he spent a total of 24 hours getting an enormous tribal sleeve applied to his right arm. The design was so massive that parts of it reached his neck. Although this was his first tattoo he was not phased by the scale of the tattoo. In his words, “It was just a chance for me to experience tattooing.”

それから数年が経ち、後にSWALLOW NESTとして独立する彫飛呂氏と出会い、本格的にタトゥーに傾倒することとなる。今はもう黒く塗り込まれた肌にうっすらとスジ彫りの跡が見えるだけだが、ネロさんは一度、一風変わった胸割りの和彫りで全身を仕上げている。このときの姿を彼は「第一形態」だと振り返っており、つまり今のブラックアウトされたスタイルは二巡目となるボディスーツを完成させた姿なのだ。

A few years later, Nero met Horihiro, who later founded Swallow Nest, and at this point he really got into getting tattooed. If you examine his blackened body suit closely, you can see the faint outline of where an unusual Japanese munewari suit once brightly shone. Nero looks back on that period of his life and his munewari suit as his “first form” and his current body as his second.


I can’t help but marvel at his patience and staying power to complete a full body suit twice. When posed with this quandary, Nero smiled, “Compared to the pain of body suspension, It’s nothing.” He has experienced the single hook hanging from the breast bone which is considered the most painful, and which leaves a lasting scar which clearly remains on his chest. When I asked him why he pushes himself so hard, he replied, “It’s all about the experience. I am looking forward to seeing how it changes me, not just in the pain, in everything.”



Nero’s current “form” was designed by Horihiro, who takes ideas drawn up by Nero himself, and adjusts them as need be. It is not just a blackout body suit as skin tone is left in strategic places to avoid becoming monotonous. If you closely inspect the black areas you can see abstract patterns that have been applied in difference of densities with black ink.

The next thing he plans on conquering, is having his face extensively tattooed. He mentioned that a further evolution of his bodysuit is also already being planned. His genuine love for tattoos was evident when he stated, “Tattoos don’t have to be a one time thing.”



In addition to being an antique dealer, Nero is also a collector of antique items depicting sexual customs such as shunga and erotic grotesque items from the Showa Era (1926-1989). His collection is staggering with items and subjects from the artistic to the medical to the vulgar.

He is currently working to establish a small museum in Shiga Prefecture, his hometown, where he can display his treasured items to the public. Our interview took place there and the photos can not do justice to the number of artifacts. I can only imagine what this place will eventually look like. But with Nero’s sensibility, it is certain to become a new landmark that will be distinctly different from any ordinary sex related museum.
ネロさん www.instagram.com/daikokudo.nero
SWALLOW NEST www.instagram.com/swallowhiro

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