二・二六 ハジチクーデター
Feb. 2022 in Tokyo





Hajichi, an ancient tribal tattoo, has existed in the Ryukyu Islands since long before written history. It is a custom that is mainly practiced by women and is known as a rite of passage for coming of age, marriage, as well as a passport to Niraikanai and protection from evil spirits. Hajichi was once the pride of women and a symbol of beauty and delight.

Hajichi faced an unfavorable period of restriction when it was banned by the ignorant Meiji government in 1899. But now, synchronized with the tattoo revival movement that is gaining momentum around the world, Hajichi is about to blossom again under the bright light of the sun.



Playing a role in this revival is the “Hajichi-kai”, a group of female Hajichas (Hajicha means Hajichi tattooer) with their own unique characteristics, led by Taku Oshima who is a leading figure in the neo-tribal scene.

The female revivalists leading the charge are, Moeko Heshiki – a Hajichi specialist who herself has Okinawan roots, Tamaki Hanzawa – a hand-pork artist with a deep knowledge of Berber and other ethnic designs from around the world, and Chihiro Yoshida – who specializes in primitive methods of tattooing designs using natural yuzu (Japanese citrus) thorns. All three of these women and their individual activities aim to revive the nearly lost culture of Hajichi.

From the top, Moeko Heshiki, Tamaki Hanzawa, and Chihiro Yoshida

On February 26th, these three women along with Taku Oshima held a club event titled “2.26 Hajichi coup d’etat” at the bar Bonobo, a sacred place for the subculture in Tokyo. The term coup d’etat may sound disquieting, given its original meaning, but just like the original French equivalent, it is a rally for the restoration of power to a subject that has been persecuted by the ruling class.



However, despite the event’s title, the atmosphere of the event itself was so relaxed from start to finish. The majority of the participants in this packed event were women, perhaps because Hajichi is a female-oriented custom.

A variety of subjects were broached in the event including, actual tattooing by the aforementioned Hajichas, an introductory course on self-hand poking by Taku, and a lecture on Hajichi’s symbolism by Ryukyuan spiritual historian Soichi Kiyama. All in all, this cumulated into a perfect mixture and enjoyable evening.

Taku Oshima lecturing on self-hand poking




The event’s flyer had the words “Tradition is not to revere the ashes, but to keep the fire burning”, printed on it, which clearly expressed the attitude of the event and its participants. They see Hajichi as a living entity, rather than something that has become extinct.

One important aspect of Hajichi which Taku calls “the play with the body”, makes it clear that we cannot fully appreciate the essence of Hajichi without the practice which involves pain and bloodshed.



Just as a flame flickers and changes its outline, Hajichi has also changed its way with the passage of time. There is no need to shy away from the idea that “I don’t have Okinawan roots…” when wanting to get involved in this art form. If you find Hajichi’s minimal design beautiful, you can display it wherever you like on your body.

Hajichi-kai will continue to hold a variety of events on an irregular basis to unleash this previously repressed culture and share it with the people of today. Hajichi is now at the turning point of hatching from chrysalis to butterfly, and you should keep an eye on its future movements.

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